Finally it became a natural part of the media mix, even if both ad agencies and clients are just getting used to the idea. But we are still far from interesting and creative online marketing ideas.
Din ce zona a venit surpriza acestui an?
The investment done by Tiger in Neogen and eJobs. It changed a lot of things... More investment funds and VC will follow, and the prices of interesting projects will go up. This will change radically the rules of the game...
Ce crezi ca lipseste cel mai mult Internetului de la noi?
Real online BRANDS.
Mai e loc pentru antreprenori online?
Yes, Clearly! It is not just about money. This business is about innovation, ideas, talents, and of course a lot of work.
Vezi si alte achizitii pe piata locala?
The eyes are on Romania, but you can't find a lot of existing online project that are worth buying. Also traditional media will buy. Sanoma is looking for opportunities, for sure. They did this in all the countries where they are present.
Vor deveni media traditionale si mai puternice online?
Yes, but brands that come from offline will NEVER beat the pure online brands. It is a question of lack of focus and expertize, and their fear of canibalization. Of course, there are always exeptions... Look at GSP.ro.
Care crezi ca ar trebui sa fie focusul actual al playerilor online?
It depends. Each one has his own strategy and objectives...
Se vorbeste din ce in ce mai mult de publicitate pe bloguri... Cum vezi tu dezvoltarea blogosferei din acest punct de vedere?
I see 3 directions:
1) The "Star" blogs, as tolo.ro, where the huge number of readers produce traditional ad revenue
2) The specialized, targeted blogs, where the revenue model is sponsored ads and sponsored text, paid "per week".
3) Network blogs. A mix of display ads, Google text links, and sponsored areas.
Daca ar fi sa cumperi maine un site, care ar fi acela?
If we are talking exactly about tomorrow (in 24 hours), and only about Romania: trilulilu.ro. Because it could become a real multimedia platform and beat Neogen... Of course, with the right strategy and management...:))
Completeaza spatiul liber: Anul 2008 va fi anul ..Investitiilor.. pe Internetul romanesc.
Rachad El Jisr este fondator si actionar al iMedia
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